Driving home from the doctor's where I not only had my second shingles jab but booked a pneumonia jab for next week - children and old people seem to make good pincushions but I'm not objecting if it keeps me safe - I caught a snatch of Yesterday in Parliament on the radio.
You can understand why they have strict rules about how MPs have to address each other and behave in parliament. In the car I was shouting, "You evil and stupid man! What a load of twaddle!"
Now the rest of the day is free until this evening when I'm childminding as Elder Son is in London for work for the day and Daughter-in-law is starring in Swansea Little Theatre's production of Bleak Expectations. We're going to see it tomorrow and looking forward to it very much.
Sounds nice to look after a little one, all mine are grown, but they still like a little parcel from grandma!
I smiled reading this post. I shout at the tv news showing the ridiculous stuff our federal politicians are doing!
Yet another of my posts vanished. It posted, now it's gone. This happens more often than not on this blog, who knows why.
Is that your daughter-in-law in the video clip?
It's so hard not to fill free time with "stuff".
Boud, I have no idea why that happens. I don't know if anyone else has the same problem. I blame Brexit.
Debra, yes, it is.
Usually if I have a free day I contemplate all the possibilities and then do nothing
Plan everything, do nothing . . .
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