Thursday, March 28, 2024

The only tree in Eden

Gosh, our weather is peculiar at the moment. After the wettest February on record we might have hoped for an improvement but March has been pretty glum too, and it's really excelling itself at the moment.

On Tuesday we had beautiful weather for our boat trip. Sunshine, warmth: it was Spring-like. That lasted as long as our boat trip. By the time I got home it was raining.

Yesterday it turned bitterly cold. I walked with Daughter and GrandDaughter2 down the valley to Pobbles. The wind was howling directly up the valley and it was 'perishing' as my grampie used to say. While on the beach we took shelter in a cave to avoid the rain and hail.

You can just see some patches of blue in the sky from the cave and walking back up the valley the sky was completely blue and it was sunny. Still very windy but at our backs so didn't feel as bad.

Last night we had the merest scattering of snow, instantly washed away this morning by lashings of rain. 

* * * * *
I had my jumper tucked in my jeans in a French tuck, as I now know it's called, in Zac's on Tuesday. One of the regulars pointed it out to me, "Your jumper's caught in your jeans."
"Oh, yes." I untucked it.

I asked the question, "What is the only tree mentioned by name in the garden of Eden?" I added, "Species of tree."
Another regular replied, "The tree of knowledge of good and evil."
"No, I mean, species."
At this point, had I been him I'd have said, "Oh I see what you mean, okay"; he argued his point. And I realised this is what he does. He has to be right, have the last word. It explains why his wife is as she is. 

Meanwhile, while I was in Zac's cooking yesterday morning there was a loud knocking on the door. Now I was alone in the building and while the vast majority of our guests are perfectly amicable we get the odd one who is less so, or is drunk and difficult to get rid of, so I waited to see if the knocking continued.

It did. Big heavy thumps. It could be someone injured, I thought, so carefully opened the door. The man outside there looked a bit rough and wasn't happy. 
"Can I talk to someone about the roof?" he said.
"You can talk to me but I probably won't be much help."
So he did.

It turned out he was caretaker for the student flats next door and according to him our roof was leaking and causing plasterboard to fall off the walls in the flats. I said I'd pass on the message and he went away happy, having done his bit.

Waiting outside for Husband to pick me up I did a little jig, to keep warm. There was a man wandering down the next street talking, I assumed on a headphone thing. It wasn't; he was just talking to himself, much as I do only a bit louder than I do. (I hope.)
He complimented me on my jig and suggested some alternative moves, then as he continued wandering down the lane he turned back and said, "Do you know the sugars (or possibly The Sugars)?"
I shook my head.
"You know from Paviland?"
"Um no."
He carried on talking as he walked on, looking back occasionally to make sure I was listening. I nodded a few times. 


Ann said...

I hate when the weather goes up and down. Most especially when it gets cold.

Marie Smith said...

We have had a miserable week of weather too. Wet but not snow though.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So what was the only tree species named in the Garden of Eden? I'll take a guess and say fig tree.

Ole phat Stu said...

There were 2 trees. Figs and Etz hayim according to the Torah.

jabblog said...

I would have said Olive tree.

Anvilcloud said...

There be characters in your world.