Sunday, March 24, 2024

The case of the missing socks

When Younger Son lived at home he would toss his socks anywhere with the result that when he left to go to university and I did a grand clear-out of his room I discovered 57 socks under his bed.

Since he's left home for good Husband and I don't have the problem of odd socks. Socks are washed, socks are returned and they're all in pairs. Until recently.

For the last month or so odd socks have been disappearing. YS was quite happy to wear odd socks, in fact, he chooses still to wear them; Husband, on the other hand, is not happy to wear odd socks.

Where do they go? It's a mystery. Sometimes they turn up eventually; sometimes they are never seen again.

Just one of life's little conundrums.

* * * * *

Gardeners, any idea of what this plant might be? It's about 15" high. Is it possible I might have planted it? Or could it have just growed?

I have a feeling it's that plant that gets little orangey-red berries on stalks. If that's the case I'll get rid of it - it always look as if it's poisonous. On the other hand I may not. But if it is that I'm not keen on it, and the more I think about it, the more sure I am that's what it is. Perhaps I shall just wait and see.


Ann said...

I will occasionally fold a load of laundry and come up with socks that have no mate. Usually it's because I did a second load and one got in each load. Other times it's because I dropped a sock on the way to the washer.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

This sounds like a case for Holmes & Watson!

jabblog said...

My washing machine is the divorce machine - socks go in in pairs and come out separated. I have a drawer full of unmatched socks and periodically go through them and try to make pairs. It irritates me, but my husband is quite happy to wear unmatched socks.

Boud said...

Any visiting puppies lately? They tend to take socks and bury them.

Anvilcloud said...

I have a daughter who loves to wear odd socks, oddness suits her.

Chuck Pergiel said...

I never liked those bushes with the little orange berries. They seemed particularly useless. Never understood why there were so many of them around.

Kathy G said...

When a sock goes missing at my house it usually turns up static clung to some item of clothing.

Ole Phat Stu said...

I just buy ONLY black socks. Thus ANY two make a pair, Non-problem solved.