Sunday, March 03, 2024

First cousins twice removed?

Jabblog has done a post about family and birthdays, and has provided an excellent explanation of cousins, second or otherwise. So I did a very abbreviated family tree so I could identify the status of my various and numerous cousins.

I've always assumed my cousins were all second cousins but it seems lots are first cousins once removed. And here's the explanation from Jabblog:

Your second cousin is someone who shares a great-grandparent with you.

Your first cousin once removed is either the child of your first cousin, or your parent’s first cousin.

So now you know.


Boud said...

That's the kind of information I can read numerous times without grasping it in a way I can use it. It probably explains how quickly I get baffled with genealogy.

jabblog said...

. . . and you will remember it now, won't you;-)

Liz Hinds said...

I had to draw it to understand it, Boud.
And I'll definitely maybe possibly remember it, Jabblog.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've also never properly understood the definitions of those terms before. That's the clearest explanation I've ever read! Will keep it for future reference, thanks!

Abby said...

Yes, I learned this a few years back when some of my mom's relatives contacted me on facebook. The kids of my cousins... once removed and all that. Still, they call me "aunt" and I call them "nephew/ neice". Fewer syllables.

acorn hollow said...

interesting I never knew what that meant

Ole phat Stu said...

Different cultures draw their family trees in different ways. You described only the Brit way of doing it.

Ann said...

I never could get past first cousin. After that it just gets too confusing for me.

Marie Smith said...

I may be able to identify the connection to my cousins. Forget explaining it to anyone else however.