Monday, March 04, 2024

The good life

Delicious Sunday roast lamb at Elder Son's yesterday and yummy hazelnut basket at Verdi's today with Vivien. Living the good life. 

Wild, wet and windy outside. You can see the sea is the same colour as the paving slabs outside the window. Glad to be in the dry enjoying my ice cream.

Now there's a lamb curry cooking gently in the oven and I think I might watch a little television before it's time to do the rice. There's a part of me saying, "No, no, must do something useful," but I think the other part is winning. 


jabblog said...

Television before rice - useful jobs will keep.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I covet that ice cream dessert!

Chris said...

That looks absolutely lush, I could eat it twice over. We did make Welsh cakes(we=the royal we, Dh made them) And we ate 10 each through the day!! So bang went the diet!
Great idea to tell people your hubby lost a bit of his ear grappling with a shark. But do hope and pray that it all goes well for him.

Anvilcloud said...

When it is gorgeous here in Feb (14C this afternoon) it seems hard to imagine that it is also not nice in climes with a lesser winter. Of course, I understand weather and that it is the case, but at the same time it boggles my brain a bit.

Ann said...

useful things lose out often here.

Marie Smith said...

Quite an ice cream! Yummy!