Thursday, March 21, 2024

Buttercups and tulips

Pulled myself together and did a bit of gardening.

I cleared an area that was overgrown with, I think, buttercups, or yellow buttercuppy-type flowers, which are very pretty in their own right but not when they think they're in charge. 

On a visit to the garden centre earlier this week I bought some ground cover plants, and I've put three along the front, and one, rather daringly, in an old bit of tree trunk. That one is saxifrage, which grows on cliffsides and in crannies in the wild so I'm hoping it will revel in its new position. Actually if it just survives I'll be pleased.

I've also drawn a little map in my notebook that tells me what I planted where.
So when they succeed/fail to grow I'll know whether or not to buy those plants again. 

Also in very exciting news, the tulips I planted in the autumn are in bud!

And apropos of nothing:

Available now, in advance of official launch, on Amazon.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your new book cover looks so fab!

Boud said...

Wow, exciting times in Liz's publishing world
There invasive flowers might be lesser celandines, from your description.

jabblog said...

Progress in all directions - well done. The saxifrage is very pretty.

Ann said...

Good idea with mapping out your garden. I gave up on planting anything ever because it always dies no matter what it is.

Marie Smith said...

I ordered the book on, Liz and I look forward to reading it. Afterwards, I will donate it to the library here so others may enjoy it too.