Thursday, March 21, 2024

Aspirations and reality

Boud is the sort of older woman I aspire to be. Aware, active, interested, lively. This week I am more like the cranky, creaky old bird stereotyped in sitcoms.

My back is a lot better but now I'm getting twinges in my knee. Does old age come overnight? I was fine last week.

And I've booked a hearing test for next week. It's two years since the last and I fear my hearing has deteriorated quite a lot. I am missing far more of what is being said, and not just when there's surrounding noise. I hate the idea of having hearing aids but am coming to think they might be beneficial. (I just read on Boud's blog about the price of them so I might reconsider.)

But here - I hope if I copied the link properly - is a rather lovely Mary Oliver poem.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I agree, Boud rocks! But so do you, Liz!

Another amazing Mary Oliver poem -- thanks so much for that! I've been worrying lately about the many potential dangers of the aging process, so I need to take this poem and attitude to heart.

Boud said...

Thanks so much for the nice words! You're not so shabby yourself, Liz!
I've always loved that Mary Oliver poem. Well, everything she wrote, really.

jabblog said...

Wonderful poem - a good dose of commonsense!

Ann said...

Hearing aids aren't so bad. When you first put them in, after not being able to hear for a long time, all the sounds can be a bit overwhelming. Here in the U.S. there is a program that will get them for you free if you qualify. That's how I got mine the first time and I've applied again for a new pair.

Anvilcloud said...

They are a huge expense and not covered by public health care here, except for a very little bit.