Monday, January 08, 2024

Wider and shorter

Came home from Daughter's yesterday evening - lovely curries and blueberry pie - and I could hear a ringing noise in the kitchen.
"What's that?"
"What? I can't hear anything," Husband said.

Now Husband's hearing is much better than mine so if I can hear something and he can't it means either a) I'm another step closer to loopiness, or b) it's the same frequency as his tinnitus so he can't differentiate between the two sounds.

I followed the noise around and decided I could only hear it in the kitchen. Then I went to bed.

It was still there this morning, so I put on my Clouseau accent and attempted to pin down the source. (Hope you are reading this the way it is intended to be read in bad French accent.) At first I thought it could be a bimb. "Were you expecting one?"


But you will be pleased to hear it was the light.

* * * * * 

Last week I bought a new pair of jeans, and I gave in and bought a larger size. (I still want to lose weight but it would be nice to be comfortable in the meantime.) When I started wearing them I loved them so much I ordered another pair. Same size but Short Length.

I have always considered myself average or regular but without fail I have to turn up* any trousers I buy. It never occurred to me in all the years I've been buying clothes for myself that perhaps a shorter length wouldn't need turning up. It is a revelation.

* When I say 'turn up' I mean that literally. No sewing involved.


Abby said...

I totally read that in a Clouseau accent. Glad it wasn't a bimb, but why is your light ringing?
I'm short waisted, so have long legs for my height. I used to get long cut jeans, but now regulars fit. I suppose I'm wider and shorter as well... or clothes makers are messing with us.

Boud said...

After I discovered the mfrs now consider me petite, I found I could actually get the right length in pants, no sewing, what a revelation. I'd assumed petite was smaller than I am.

I'm glad you traced the bimb to its origin!

Anvilcloud said...

Every now and then I don't mind having very poor hearing, but mostly I do. 😊

Kathy G said...

When I was younger regular length pants fit perfectly. Now they are six inches too long. Petite sizes are too short in the rise, so I have to look for brands that offer a Short option.