Sunday, January 07, 2024

Smoked out

Having got rid of two old cars we now have an empty garage. Empty apart from the junk that has accumulated in there over the last years. Husband has spent many hours recently attempting to sort it and clear out. He's even stopped playing his new computer games to go and do it that's how enthusiastic he is. 

And the reason for this enthusiasm? He's planning on turning it into a games room with table tennis and darts. (Darts still under consideration as danger to life and limb very real possibility.)

So this afternoon I went out to help a little. Admittedly most of my help consisted of me saying, "You could paint it, maybe get a little sofa too. Then you'd need some better flooring and maybe a blind? And a heater definitely."

The chimera isn't really the best option for indoors. 

When I got bored of sorting soggy papers I went outside and did a little weeding. Look!
The daffs I planted last autumn are shooting. And the tulips I think - they're the tiny little ones not the big green ones at the front. This may not seem like much to you but I am better at killing than growing plants so this is a big achievement. 

Now to shower and to head for Daughter's for dinner. Always love being cooked for.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, darts could be hazardous! Enjoy your daffs and tulips when they grow and bloom!

nick said...

Fortunately we demolished our old garage and didn't replace it, so there's no garage filling up with things that "might come in handy one day, you never know". I would say darts could only be hazardous if someone comes in between you and the board.

Abby said...

Funny how once a space empties, it soon becomes filled. A games room!
I live in a college town. Most "game room" garages are for beer pong.

Boud said...

Good idea to repurpose the garage quick before it fills up again! I'd consign darts to the local pub, for vision's sake.

Kathy G said...

It's amazing that your area is farther north than mine, but the plants seem to be much farther along.

Chris said...

Gosh yours is the 2nd blog I've read who are clearing out their garage, Beverley is too! Must be a hint for us. Great your daffs are up, ours are too, so lovely to see their yellow heads.

Janie Junebug said...

I think darts are only hazardous if they're lawn darts or you aim the dart at a person rather than the board. My daffodil and tulip bulbs won't be sprouting because I am very bad and never planted them. Oh, the shame.


Tasker Dunham said...

We have been tidying our loft for 2 years. It is still full of stuff.

Anvilcloud said...

We are months from spring flowers but child 2 has daffs on the west coast.

Ole phat Stu said...

Friend Frank cleared the cars out of his garage last year. It is now home to seven motorcycles. 5 of them oldtimers.

Ann said...

I'm always happy to see things growing. I kill just about everything.

Cop Car said...

You are an inspiration, Liz. I should be out there weeding. Oh, wait...what do I do with the snow that covers the ground (our second batch in the past four days).