Friday, December 01, 2023


Picture this. A church hall typical of its sort, in darkness save for a few candles and a flicker of street-lights. On the floor there are bodies  of all shapes and sizes, each wrapped in a blanket. They are mostly women and they have their eyes closed. 

In the centre of the room a woman stands. She speaks quietly and then begins. At first it's like a gentle rumbling but its intensity and rhythm pick up as the evening progresses. The alternating highs and lows of the three gongs lead us through our meditations, as we allow our thoughts to travel where they will. And then . . .

the woman next to me starts snoring. I open one eye and turn my head to peep at her. She is curled up and fast asleep. She doesn't stir as the gong gets louder or when another woman close by has a mild coughing fit.

At the end of the session my friend turns to me and, with a smile, says, "Did you fall asleep?"

"No! It was her!"

So my first gong bath. How was it for you? It was good. I did enjoy it. It wasn't totally relaxing but pleasantly so. When it began I thought, "This is going to be a long hour but when it finished I wanted it to go on some more."

It's amazing how much music can be made on gongs and how versatile they are. I suppose I'd gone along sort of expecting the Rank Man but it was as relaxing as it can be when you're lying on a blanket on a hard floor. I probably wouldn't go again; it wasn't that profound an experience, but I'm glad I went.


Boud said...

Interesting evening! The rank gong reminds me of an endless argument with my sisters about how many times he bangs the gong, there being a split vote between the once and twice factions, with one abstention. I think the movie house probably cut it to fit their needs and everyone was right.

Liz Hinds said...

I'm sure you're right, Boud, but what a strange thing to argue about!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The Rank Man, lol! I assume the theory behind the Gong Bath is that the vibrational levels of the various-sized gongs induce relaxation, much like those singing bowls and other forms of aural meditation.

Kathy G said...

It sounds like a nice night...except for the snoring.

Abby said...

Nice job with NaNoWriMo!
Hmmm, gong bath. Never heard of them. Seems interesting, but I'd be reluctant to commit to an entire hour. Did the sleeping lady wake up on her own?

Anvilcloud said...

This is something that I have never heard of. Well, now I have. 😎

Terra said...

This is something new to me, thanks for the post. I like the video and the sound of the gong.