Friday, December 01, 2023

First night

It's Husband's 74th birthday today. Because he has a bad foot we didn't do much but did manage a walk on Mumbles Hill this afternoon.

Lovely in the sunshine but still a frost on the ground in the shade.

Tonight I'm taking him to the Beach House in Oxwich for a posh meal. Shall report back as always.

Also tonight sees the First Night of Swansea Little Theatre's production of Peter Pan, starring GrandSons1 and 3 in the roles of brothers, John and Michael. They've both been poorly but 'the show must go on' so taking part tonight. Because I've been disorganised I had to make them a good luck card.


Boud said...

Happy birthday, Liz's husband! And the production will be fun. Pictures if possible, please!

Ole phat Stu said...

Does your husband want first option on my 944 should I ever sell it, now that Alfie is gone?

Marie Smith said...

Happy birthday to your husband. Hope the sweeties are well enough to perform!

Cop Car said...

Happy belated birthday wishes to your husband, Liz. Beautiful frosted vegetation!

Kathy G said...

Birthday dinners are always lovely. Will you get a chance to see the show?

Anvilcloud said...

This 76-year-old with a bad foot wishes your guy a happy 74th.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Happy Bday to your husband! Enjoy the posh meal! And "break a leg," as they say, to your grandsons as they tread the boards.

Ann said...

Happy Birthday to your husband.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hope that your husband had a wonderful and very Happy🎂, Liz and hope that his foot will soon be better. It's not much fun when trying to go on a walk when hurting. Dinner sounds like it will be a lovely treat!