Thursday, November 30, 2023

Clouds on the horizon

There were very dark clouds on the horizon when we walked this morning.

It was quite peculiar.

Much like the walrus I saw on the way home from Zac's last night. To be more specific, it was a car that had lights that made it look like a walrus. Bear in mind that my drawing doesn't do it justice.

It's 30th November today and that means NaNoWriMo is almost over. I have written (or copied and pasted from previous manuscript) 30,075 words. I wanted to get to 30,000 so I am happy with that. 

Now I'm going to have a little rest and read before dinner and my gong bath.


Polly said...

I think a few car headlights look like animals! Your mushroom and caramalised onion wreath looks good.

Boud said...

Well done on nanowrimo! That's quite an achievement.

Marie Smith said...

You did well with the writing! Well done!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Congrats on reaching your NaNoWriMo word target!

Ann said...

Congratulations on reaching your writing goal.