Monday, December 04, 2023

Christmas, death and other jollities

Just been writing Christmas cards. I'm cutting back this year partly because of the expense but mostly because "I never see you from one year to the next and a trite greeting in a card isn't much of a substitute for real interaction so let's not bother." 

In fact, there's not much point either in sending cards to people I will see before Christmas and will say it to. But I have. Maybe next year I won't. If I remember. And of course there are people I don't see from one year to the next but have a relationship with so they're exempt. And people I don't want to lose all contact with.

But that still leaves a few I've deleted from my list. I work through my address book and it's a sorry sight. A record of death. Hey ho, cheery thoughts.

Having been to the gym this morning (See how I always manage to mention that fact?) I started working on the study for Zac's tomorrow. It wasn't supposed to be me but no-one else is available. We're looking at the Advent theme and after the controversy last week I want to follow it up a bit with some more prophecies that could be read in different ways.

In other news Husband managed to fix the shower leak. At least we hope it's fixed: no-one's tried it yet as he wants to put extra sealant down as well. He is a very handy husband with a wide variety of skills. He can do plumbing but hates it because it always involves getting into awkward places at difficult angles to do anything. And a lot of swearing. 

I forgot again to take a photo before it was cut but here's what's left of Husband's birthday cake, a fruits of the forest topped cheesecake made by Elder Son.

And my card to him is one that keeps on giving: if you remember to plant it afterwards.


Boud said...

It grows into a card tree? Cool. What a joy to have a handy husband. I never managed that, and had to be my own handyman. I've often wondered what shape plumbers are in when they retire, after all the contortions I've seen them go through under my sink.

Anvilcloud said...

Everyone everywhere is doing cards. I now send email greetings to a selected few and probably something on fb.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Elder son's cheesecake looks dee-lish!

Janie Junebug said...

I send some cards, but not a lot. My ex-husband thought he was handy, which led to all sorts of trouble.
