Monday, December 04, 2023

Things I forgot

At the start of our meal in the Beach House last week the waitress asked if we wanted water for the table and, as we said yes, asked if we wanted still or sparkling. I said still but after she'd left I thought I should have asked for tap.

Anyway she came back with a carafe of water so I assumed it was tap. However on the bill we were charged £4 for water! Very dubious.

* * * * *
According to Oxford University Press the Word of the Year 2023 is 'rizz'. 

In case you're not down with the kids here's the definition: "Rizz is defined as style, charm or attractiveness, or one’s ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner."

So there you are. Can't see it standing the test of time myself.

* * * * *

You know I write a regular column for the Bay magazine, well, the owners cum editor/designer are retiring and let us all know that the magazine was being taken over by Ben and Amy, who duly emailed me, and I assume everyone, to say hi.

Another email this time from Lesley, current editor/owner, tells us Ben and Amy have changed their minds so there will be no more Bay. I suppose Lesley and her husband will continue to try to sell the business but in case that doesn't happen my first thought is to find an alternative publication.

There's a local glossy magazine, fairly new on the scene that is currently all advertising features. It's owned by a syndicate that produces different lifestyle magazines for different areas - Valleys Life, Vale Life, City Life, and the one I'm interested in, Gower Life. I can't lose anything by asking, can I?

And as what I write about isn't specifically regional they could 'syndicate' me. Is that the right word? I mean they could use me in all their magazines. I could be BIG.


Boud said...

Rizz is short for charisma! It's a bit close to another word that means something quite different though.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good luck with the glossy mag!

Liz Hinds said...

Oh, thank you, Boud! That makes sense now.
Thanks Debra.

Anvilcloud said...

May I opine that rizz is risible?

Kathy G said...

The magazine's closing might turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

acorn hollow said...

Thank you for keeping me in the loop of new jargon. Not that I have been the loop for many years lol.
Good luck finding a new publisher

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

Abby said...

How cool if you do get "syndicated". Would definitely earn you some rizz points, I imagine.