Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Calling Batman

Went to Rowland's funeral this afternoon. The worst funeral I have been to for years. Totally lacking in love or any sense of the man.

The preacher used what would normally be the eulogy bit to tout for new Christians, presumably with the permission of the family. I understand that family dynamics were difficult but others could have brought some warmth to the proceedings. His life and work affected so many people but the funeral wasn't well-advertised and it was poorly-attended. I don't know; it was very sad.

* * * * *

In more cheerful mood we have a new car!!!

Only just got it so I'll take proper photos tomorrow but for now look at this wizardry!

When you open the door in the dark the logo is projected onto the ground, like the summons for Batman in Gotham City!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Very sad about Rowland's funeral. I hate de-personalized funerals. Really, what's their point?

Love the "Mini Bat Signal!"

Boud said...

I don't go to funerals since a couple like that one. I walk the labyrinth at the time, and let the family know. Never had anyone other than pleased I went to the trouble, it's not a trouble, of creating a ceremony dedicated to them. One dying friend even set it up that way, so her family would understand.

Marie Smith said...

Sad about the funeral for Rowland. Debra is right…what’s the point?

acorn hollow said...

What a sad send off.
Congrats on the new car

Anvilcloud said...

I think it is low when ministers do that.

Ann said...

How sad about the funeral.
That's pretty cool with the new car.