Thursday, December 21, 2023

La not so dolce vita

Some time ago I bought two books: An Italian Christmas and A German Christmas. I love Christmassy-themed books at this time of year but I was getting a bit fed up of 'girl stuck on tiny island/in Scottish castle/running a cake shop in Cornwall' type books so thought these would make a nice change.

I started reading the Italian one last night. It's subtitled, Tales from La Dolce Vita, but if the first three stories are any to go by it's nothing like a dolce vita. They've been harrowing and miserable or as one reviewer put it, "There is a greater reflection upon one's own behaviour and I feel that these tales often capture the strength of the human spirit in a way that is evocative and inspiring."

Younger Son and Nuora have said that Christmas isn't celebrated in Italy in the admittedly over-the-top way we do here, but I thought that was just an in-laws' thing but going by these stories maybe not. They are all vintage stories so far; maybe they get a bit cheerier later on. 

* * * * *

I have had three emails from Royal Mail telling me: 1) they have a parcel for me from Pamela Mann; 2) they will deliver the parcel soon; and 3) they are delivering it today. I am agog.

Who is Pamela Mann? 

I haven't ordered anything from Pamela Mann; I don't know anyone called Pamela, let alone Mann. This build-up is very exciting. I shall of course report back when said parcel arrives. 

But it will be later as I'm in Zac's covering a food serving shift and then spending time with GrandDaughter1, doing our usual Costa and McDonalds run followed by a girly film.

* * * * *

Last week I was thinking, "Next week will be a nice quiet relaxing one." Really? What was I thinking?


Boud said...

I can't wait for you to receive someone else's parcel. Pamela Mann sounds like a clothes brand or food source or something. Maybe a relative has ordered it for you.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Ooooooo, a Christmas mystery! I wonder what that parcel could be? Enjoy your girly afternoon with GD1!

Ann said...

I wish someone I didn't know would send me a nice package.

Cop Car said...

I hope that your message is not from a scammer. I frequently receive texts/emails with a supposed delivery awaiting something from me. (They never get it as I just delete the missive.)

BTW: I have not confirmed the info, but I've just learned that someone believes that one of my great grandmothers died in Pwllheli, Caernarvonshire, Wales. That's the first clue that I've had that she may have stepped foot outside the USA. Perhaps a person of a similar name is involved. (Or maybe her alias was Pamela Mann.