Sunday, October 08, 2023

Sunday Seven

I am unashamedly copying this idea from Debra although now I've started to think about it I realise it's not as easy as it sounds!

1. Saw: the colours of autumn in Clyne Gardens.

2. Heard: a challenging sermon on the commandment "You shall not steal", and considering how differently we view various thefts, legitimising some and condemning others.

3. Ate: too much. Again.

4. Celebrated: Wales win over Georgia in the Rugby World Cup.

5. Accomplished: sorting out the guest bedroom and nursery.

6. Enjoyed: life. It's pretty good at the moment.

7. Learned: about Mike the chicken who survived for eighteen months after having his head cut off. His neck was severed above the brain stem bit so his body continued to function. His owner fed him with a dripper. When I heard this on an old episode of QI I thought the owner was being kind but he made money out of Mike the headless chicken, taking him around exhibitions and country shows.


Abby said...

Omg, Mike the chicken. Dare I click the link?
I might steal this little exercise too.

Abby said...

Addendum: I clicked the link and learned that Mike lived not far from me. And there's an annual festival in his honor because of course there is.
Dare I attend?

Marie Smith said...

Mike the chicken is quite a story!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, I've heard of Mike the Headless Chicken! He is/was a Legend! Clearly, I spend too much time surfing the net.

Nice that you're doing Sunday Seven too! One helpful tip I've found -- change the categories as needed to match up with what's gone on in your week. It doesn't really matter what the categories are, so long as there's seven of them!

Liz Hinds said...

I meant to mention the festival, Abby! Do go and report back.

Isn't it, Marie?

That's a useful tip, Debra. I was struggling to think of some.

Ann said...

Oh my word. The headless chicken seems like cruel and unusual treatment.