Monday, October 09, 2023

Robbing Peter

I had to take the safety pin from the waistband of my shorts to use it on my trousers after I bent over and the button popped off. Everyone should keep a supply of safety pins for such emergencies. I can never find any.

Anyway three hours in the prison this morning and not even a cup of tea!

After going in for about twenty years the authorities finally decided to vet me. I wrote about my difficulties with the non-user-friendly form a few months ago. That eventually cleared and I had to be inducted i.e. sit through a lot of rather repetitive instructions on working in prisons. A lot of it wasn't even relevant to me!

Many years ago, on several occasions, when I was working with a group of men preparing the carol service I was locked in a room on my own with them, them being a gang of Liverpudlian drug dealers. All very nice boys albeit rather rowdy. And I did have an alarm button on me. I don't think that would be allowed these days.

There were four of us being inducted, and at one point the trainer commented that he'd been told off by a younger man (the trainer himself was only 36) for making a hashtag but putting spaces between words. "I didn't know I couldn't do that, did you?" he asked. 

I said yes and he laughed. "Even you are better than me." Rude, I thought. But he was a pleasant young lad so I didn't mind.

He was so nice I stopped myself pointing out the grammatical errors in his powerpoint presentation. Even the 'How to summit a report' heading on two of the slides.

Anyway off for my Covid and flu vaccine now.


Boud said...

Years ago I was contacted, in my capacity as a program director, by a religious group planning to make prison visits, for any advice I could give them. Mainly I suggested they not visit in jeans, that being prison uniform. They were angry with me, and said they didn't want to look better dressed than the prison population.

Not convinced when I told them about a friend who worked as an educational counselor and had one day worn jeans.

The guard on duty when he tried to leave, was new, didn't know him, caught and detained him, strip searched him, and put him in a cell for several hours until finally someone contacted his boss to identify him. He was a minority, and they refused to accept his id as genuine.After that he wore different casual clothes.

So I hoped the people asking me took the advice!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It took me awhile but I finally clued in why you titled this post "Robbing Peter."

Anvilcloud said...

Yikes to Mike.

Anvilcloud said...

I don't know how my comment above got here. I think I was trying to comment on a different post. I just got to this one. Good for you to notice Summit. I would probably miss it bc I tend to insert what is meant rather than written.

Liz Hinds said...

What is the point of asking for advice if you don't take it, Boud? I quickly learned that it's a different world in prison and you operate by their rules or you don't get in.

Yes, it was a bit obscure I realise, Debra.

Summit was so obvious, Anvilcloud. You couldn't have missed it.