Thursday, October 05, 2023

Middle class guilt

Today I've paid £150 for three theatre tickets.

I don't mind paying it's just, well, £150?! As Husband said, "Things have gone up, dear."

So I either resign myself to never seeing anything special again or shut up. It just seems awful when some people are struggling to buy food.


Ann said...

I'm having trouble adjusting to prices on anything these days.

Liz Hinds said...

Indeed, Ann. Husband was reminding me how much our insurance has gone up.

Terra said...

Prices are sky rocketing everywhere. A nice way to approach giving ourselves a treat is to at that time also give some money to a good cause.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You do plenty in this world to help those who are struggling, Liz. No need to feel guilt about buying theatre tickets.

miruspeg said...

Hi Liz, I agree with Debra, you are a kind and compassionate soul and if you are fortunate to have a little extra cash for theatre tickets no guilt should be involved.
I just thank the angels every night for the blessings I have and try to pay it forward as often as I can.
Take care
Peggy xxxx

nick said...

Jenny and I think about this financial contrast many times a day - every time we splash out on something that many people couldn't begin to afford. No point in feeling guilty though, inequality is just a fact of life. And as others have said, you do plenty to help other people.

Anvilcloud said...

I looked to replace a tube of therapeutic rub-on lotion. It was >$70 for 120ml.