Monday, October 09, 2023

Fitting the pieces together

It took me longer to fit the last, say, fifty pieces than it did to do the rest of the jigsaw, and when it got down to about eighteen I really struggled.

It was the tree bits where it was a case of just trying every piece until one slotted in easily. Even now I am not convinced all the pieces are in the right places! I had four pieces and four gaps but no matter how I tried them they didn't work. None of the other pieces was obviously wrong so it was a case of extracting some and switching them around until I was left with two that, I confess, I forced in. They sort of fit. 

* * * * *

It's a lovely day so after our jabs Husband and I borrowed Toby and headed for Crawley Woods. Incidentally, Louie cut his paw badly last week and has been confined to the house since. I imagine he is just about fizzing with energy to run off. 



Boud said...

I've done puzzles like that where half a dozen pieces fitted but the picture said otherwise. Endless fiddling till shapes and pictures agreed.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

A jigsaw like that would be maddening!

Anonymous said...

To practice, buy a childs small puzzle but do it face down.

Marie Smith said...

We had a section of puzzle recently which we took apart several times. Finally…success! It was frustrating!

Ann said...

I haven't done a puzzle in years but I'm pretty sure I am guilty of jamming a few pieces in to the empty spaces.