Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Still cooking

The finished chocolate orange birthday cake. I have to say I was quite pleased with it. It probably looked better than it was.

It's been a cooky sort of week. This morning in Zac's making the biggest pan of chilli you have any seen and an only slightly smaller pan of chicken curry.

I would have been a lot quicker if I hadn't spent half the time looking for the scissors/a spoon/oven gloves/lids. Which ones? The ones I had in my hand a minute ago!

I knew straightaway where this spoon was.

I'd just poured boiling water over and above it. (And, yes, I was surprised when I fished it out to find it was so hot I dropped it back in again. I should add 'brain' to the list of things I lost.)

Now as today would have been George's birthday here's a photo to remind you of him.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your cake looks magnificent! I'm sure you must miss George tremendously. What a good dog he was!

Boud said...

Such a good George! And great cooking. Which of us has never dropped a spoon into a hot liquid, lifted it out and screamed with the heat..

Anvilcloud said...

It's easy to mislay things, but I am not sure if I have done that. Give me time though.

Ann said...

Oh that cake looks really good.
Happy heavenly birthday to George.

Kathy G said...

I used to think that chocolate and orange would make a weird flavor combination. Then I tried it and I was hooked. I lost a rubber scraper when I was cooking at the church today, but thankfully mine did not end up in boiling water. Otherwise I would have done the same thing as you.

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks all. And glad I'm not the only silly one here.