Tuesday, September 19, 2023

A quarter inch makes all the difference

Making a birthday cake for Zac's tonight I decided to do my regular sponge with chocolate orange topping. I made the sponge and wasn't happy that it had risen enough. I think the problem is all inside my head, she said to me. (You all start speaking in song lyrics at the drop of a hat, don't you?)

I have all been commended for my sponge cakes. I put it down to my faithful old Kenwood food processor. A few years ago, you may remember, I had to replace it and I've never been the same since. Convinced my sponges aren't as good as they were.

But when it came out of the oven I decided it was okay, it would do. 

But when I put the chocolate orange ganache on the top there was far too much. I didn't want to waste it and knew if I froze it it would eventually join the other mysterious little packages at the bottom of the freezer. (Never believe it when you tell ourself you'll remember what it is.)

So I made another layer. But this time, instead of using my food processor with its all in one method, I did it old school. Not totally old school as I still used a mixer.

This is the result.

The processed one on the left is a full quarter inch deeper than the mixed one. I will try again with the food mixer another day when I'm less hurried. Wait for it to cool now and then stick them together and top with ganache and chocolate orange pieces. And judge flavour and texture when it's cut.

I forgot to show you - or more particularly Boud because she did it first - the crisps I made with left-over potatoes from my moussaka.
They needed more seasoning but passable.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Both those cake layers look the same to me! Or, as the old saying goes, "close enough for government work!"

Boud said...

I think when it comes to cake, people will eat and enjoy. So cool that you tried the potato chips. Yours look more authentic in shape than the debris I made, though they were okay.

Kathy G said...

If I was closer I'd be at your house to ask for a piece of that cake!

Ann said...

I don't think I have ever made a sponge cake.

Ole phat Stu said...

When I read your word Ganache my mind understood Ganachakra and I thought Liz has changed religions to Hinduism. Maybe my mind is going.