Thursday, September 21, 2023

Not cooking but eating

If you'd seen me at 9.15 this morning you would not have believed your eyes.

I was sewing!

I say sewing, it was more like knotting. Two tiny holes in my favourite green cardigan threatened to grow unless dealt with. So I dealt. Although I got rid of the majority of sewing bits that I'd accumulated over the years I've always kept some thread and needles for emergencies like this. And it really has to be an emergency to make me sew.

I have black and white thread and a few needles in the sewing case I made in school but as it happened a needle was already threaded with brown cotton. So I used that. If you look closely you can just see my 'invisible' mending.

From there it was off to Verdi's to meet friend Vivien.

I'm pleased to report that although I was muttering to myself most of the journey speed limits were well indicated, and I'm even pleaseder to say that the council seems to have made quite sensible decisions. Councils are allowed to have some discretion about where the new 20 mph limit in built-up areas will be applied and the busy main road to Mumbles is exempt. 

Arriving at the car park the demarcation between the two ends of the bay was marked. Over the pier sunshine, over the city thick black cloud.

Vivien decided to be health-conscious and had a cherry sundae - which turned out to contain about four cherries. I followed her example and didn't have the salted caramel and shortbread sundae I'd been thinking about and opted for a banana split instead.

So much healthier!


Kathy G said...

I like your idea of healthy food!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Of course, fruit is always a healthy choice and no mind that it was covered with some whipped cream...dairy is also healthy, right?

Tasker Dunham said...

I'm going immediately to see if we have anything healthy in the freezer.

Boud said...

That's definitely healthy! All that magnesium or whatever bananas are famous for.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Are you telling me that all ice cream isn't healthy? I refuse to believe that obvious lie.