Thursday, September 21, 2023

You've got to love a bot

Average number of visits in a day to my blog is a bit over one hundred.

Yesterday it was 3,361.

* * * * *

In unrelated news Elder Son has Covid. He's been quite rough with it since last weekend. Thinks he must have caught it when he had to go to London for work last week. As he works from home most of the time he's continued to work through his illness in spite of me nagging him to rest. Takes after his father.

* * * * *

Wales made it two less than convincing wins out of two last weekend but to be certain of getting through to the quarter-finals they need to beat Australia on Sunday. The pool has been put into some disarray after Fiji beat Australia last week, getting their first win over the Aussies since something like 1954. 

It would have been better for Wales if Australia had won that game but it was impossible not to cheer Fiji on. They deserved to win and it meant to much to them. 


acorn hollow said...

I do hope your son recovers soon. the only sports I follow is American football so I am out fo the loop on your sport

nick said...

Not so much working from home as sneezing from home?? I know next to nothing about sport so have next to nothing to say on the subject!

Marie Smith said...

Hope your son recovers completely and quickly!

Tasker Dunham said...

There was an article in the Daily Mail about the hot weather a couple of weeks ago. It contained the line: "As the temperature rose into the eighties, the beaches were packed with people working from home." Brilliant! How to twist things.

Boud said...

I hope he recovers quickly. Even a mild bout is no joke.
I never look at my blog stats. Maybe I should.

Ann said...

Hope your son is feeling better soon.

Anvilcloud said...

Your devotion to rugger/rugby (whatever it is) is akin to Canadians' devotion to hockey. They are both somewhat minor sports in global terms.

Chuck Pergiel said...

I look at my stats occasionally hoping, I suppose, that some day I will become popular. Whenever I do look I will find a spike of a couple thousand visits that happened two or three weeks ago. I have never been able to figure out what is causing these spikes. If I put up a post on those days it's usually a nothing post, some tidbit I threw together without much effort. I dunno, maybe people like nothing posts.

I certainly enjoy your blog. Can't tell you why.

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you all!