Tuesday, September 19, 2023

20 is the new 30

Over the last few years there have been changes to speed limits in Wales. The national speed limit is 30 mph in built-up areas where there are streetlights but it's been lowered to 20 in front of schools, hospitals, and other potentially dangerous spots.

Yesterday a new law came in making it 20 mph in all build-up areas. I'd vaguely been aware of this mainly because of all the objections expressed on social media but didn't have any strong feelings on it but then someone whose views I trusted pointed out that a universal 20 limit took the emphasis away from the danger areas and made it more likely that people would ignore it everywhere.

Yesterday afternoon I had to go to a meeting on the other side of town. I set off extra early to allow for the change. I don't know if drivers were religiously sticking to the limit or whether it was just a busy time, or a mixture of both, but we were all going slowly. And, man, it was frustrating. 

The situation wasn't helped by the speed limit signs. One stretch I had to drive along had until now been a 40 mph zone because it's bordered by fields on both side and few pedestrians. The signs here had been painted out. Badly painted out with just a grey scrawly cross over them, looking for all the world as if they'd been done by amateurs, pranksters, vandals, who knows? Is it going to go down to 20 or 30?

I assume there will be a state of grace until we all get used to the change and new signs are erected, and in the meantime I suppose I could look up the new rules. But more fun to rant on here. And I have just signed a petition asking the Senedd (Welsh parliament) to rethink the rule.

I don't object per se to the law but in some places it does seem a bit over the top.

P.S. I've had a quick look and can find no reference to 40 zones. The law doesn't necessarily affect all 30 mph zones; it depends on its rating and how far apart the streetlights are.

P.P.S. On the journey I barely got out of second gear let alone third.


Anvilcloud said...

I find it challenging to actually drive that slowly.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That would be frustrating, I agree. We have the slower zones for schools and playgrounds too. I got a speeding ticket in a strange city once when I breezed through without realizing I was near a school.

Ann said...

I've always had a bit of a lead foot so in areas with speed limits that low I have a hard time.

Ole phat Stu said...

I can go faster on an Ebike.