Monday, June 05, 2023

What do Alun Wyn and the apostle Paul have in common?

I finished The Big Sleep last night. I'd not read any Raymond Chandler before and though I didn't understand some of the slang so struggled slightly to follow it all, the surprise at the end made up for any dissatisfaction.

What Chandler does a lot is use similes. Like this one: The purring voice was now as false as an usherette's eyelashes and as slippery as a watermelon seed.

Hear it in Bogart's voice.

Anyway I never usually use similes in my writing but found myself including two in my article. Interesting. As interesting as last week's chip paper. (? No, maybe not.) 

I've written the first draft of my article in which I talk about the retirement of Alun Wyn Jones, captain of the Wales rugby team. It was a stretch to bring God into the article but I did it by comparing Alun Wyn with Paul the apostle. Trust me, It does work. Sort of.


Boud said...

I really hate those tortured wannabe funny similes. I think writers fall into them and it becomes a habit. I think it's a gimmick. Maybe I'm not the target audience.

Liz Hinds said...

They did begin to grate on me, Boud.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Classic Noir! In Raymond Chandler's defence, remember that his novel was written over 80 years ago.

Kathy G said...

I have an acquaintance from church/blogger who always manages to tie the most mundane experiences with a religious ah-ha moment. Sometimes people need to start from real life.