Monday, June 05, 2023

Spare and all that

I don't seem to be achieving my aim of reading one book from my TBR pile for each library book I read. This morning I took my books back to the library - I was early for exercise class for once - and collected the book I'd had on order (see front book in image) and had resolved not to pick any more up.

That resolve lasted all of two minutes. Well, I had time to spare and what better place to waste them than in the library. So I came home with four plus the one I still have. 

I notice there is a folded over corner in Spare - shock, horror! - and I wonder if it's a particularly juicy bit, or if the previous reader just got bored.

And now I must resist the urge to sit down in the sunshine and read as I have an article to write for the Bay, so shall sit down in the sunshine and write on paper - again, shock horror!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

What's wrong with Prince Harry's eye?

Liz Hinds said...

It's either where his patch used to be or a reflection of the light!

Boud said...

Nothing. It's the photo.
I read a lot of ebooks these days, the paper ones often having type too small to read.

Anvilcloud said...

You write on paper? You need to expand on this. 😄