Thursday, June 15, 2023

I believe I could fly

I used to be able to fly. 

Bear with me, the heat's not driven me crazy. I honestly believe in my soul that I used to be able to fly. I'm not sure when I stopped or why. But I sincerely believe that I could fly. 

Not soaring up in the sky type flying, nothing as silly as that, but the running and then leaving the ground and staying in the air for far longer than would be normal type flying.

It's not the sort of flying I tried to do when I was a child. Then I had a little slide in the garden and I would make paper wings to tie to my arms and jump off my slide. That never worked. No, this was effortless, thoughtless, perfectly natural flying.

At some point I stopped and forgot about it but then one day I remembered - and that feeling came to me so insistently I could feel the sensation all over again. But now I couldn't fly.

Was it forgetting how to? Or learning that it's not possible? But, no, it wasn't that long ago I'm sure. 

I realise you might think this is weird or I'm making it up. And I wouldn't have written about this if it hadn't been for a writing prompt that encouraged me to dig deeper. It is a very strange conviction to have I agree. 

Is there anything in your life that seems so real that you're convinced it happened even against the odds? When you know it's impossible?


Kathy G said...

I think many things can happen before we grow up to be serious adults.

Ann said...

A person can do a whole lot if they truly believe.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

I used to be able to do a lot more than I can now. That being said, I can do many things I thought not possible if I put my mind to it.

Boud said...

Kids have a powerful fantasy life in which you probably flew at will, just above the ground.

Chuck Pergiel said...

Best thing I've read all day.

Ole Phat Stu said...

Having flown regular planes, sailplanes, wing suits, hang-gliders, and paragliders,
I am of the opinion that hang-gliders give that chilhood feeling of floating best.
You might think that wingsuits are better, but they glide so steeply that its scary.

Abby said...

Whenever I'm dreaming and either come to the full realization that I'm dreaming, or think that "just maybe?" I'm dreaming, I fly like you've described.