Monday, June 19, 2023

A great BIG adventure

On Saturday morning I went to . . . Sainsburys to do my first big shop in person since lockdown!

I didn't enjoy it. I'm going back to Click and Collect.

What else? Went to McDonalds Drive Through with GrandDaughter1 and had to yell at boy taking the order.

"What drink do you want with the meal?"

"I don't want a meal; I don't want a drink."

"Yeah, what drink do you want?"

"I don't want a drink!"

Only it took longer than that. The thought occurs to me that buying a meal might work out cheaper even if we don't want a drink. (We go to Costa first to get our drinks.) Shall check now. Hang on . . . that's weird. Can't check because they don't show prices but pretty sure only option is a child's meal which isn't what we want. (Not big enough.)

Anyway, I digress. Home for an impromptu barbecue. Pool temperature nearly 27 degrees. Balmy - if water can be balmy. Or possibly barmy. 

Sunday, Father's Day, went to church in person. Obviously a Weekend for Doing Stuff In Person. Then dinner at Elder Son's. Tomahawk steak, broccoli puree, roast Mediterranean vegetables, fondant potatoes, and mushroom sauce. Followed by jam and cream sponge made by GrandSon3. All very delicious.

Wore my weights again in class this morning. It seemed they had already worked some sort of magic and my wrists had lost weight as they were much looser today. The one place I don't need to lose to weight. At home I realised it was because I had them on the wrong wrists. No, it doesn't make sense to me either.

Driving home past the playing fields there was an elderly Labrador being walked. I threw a wobbly and got quite emotional remembering George, especially in his later years. I don't know where that came from as I'm very rarely so visibly upset.

The roses are blossoming now and the sweet peas are just coming into flower too.

And we have a rogue poppy next to the shed.


Marie Smith said...

We speak of our deceased Grand-dog every day!

Have a great week!

Boud said...

I have sweet pea envy. Can't grow them here except for scrawny ones with little scent. Probably too hot too soon, humidity not right. Something.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So many adventures in a single weekend! The rogue poppy looks beautiful.

PipeTobacco said...

A very busy weekend! Remembering George is both a good thing and of course sad too. Any further discussion about perhaps adopting a new pup….. not to replace George in any way…. but to have the joy of a new friend?


Ann said...

I still get emotional when I think of the one dog I had and it's been close to 10 years.

Anvilcloud said...

I have been back to personal grocery shopping for some time, even when we were all wearing masks. I prefer walking around and making my on choices. Since the procedure, however, we have back to pickup lately. In fact, I shoud make an order today for tomorrow. But I will get back to in-pros shopping sooner than later.

Yeah, drinks may be close to free in the meal deal.

Furtheron said...

We've stayed with click & collect since covid-19. Quicker and far less stressful. Also we thought we saved money as we on only buy what's on the list.