Thursday, June 15, 2023

Medal triumph

I love this salvia plant. I planted it last year and it's flourishing so I've decided to buy some more to go along the front of the bed I am going to clear.

It's a bit wild and overgrown looking at the moment. The grassy things in the middle did have some yellow flowers but not enough to warrant keeping them. So when it's a bit cooler I'll be out there with my trowel.

Meanwhile this afternoon I went to sports day at the school. I missed GrandDaughter2's but was there for GrandSon2. GrandSon3 should have been there but he's still laid up at home with his swollen knee.

Both GrandSon2 and GrandDaughter2 won medals in their sprint races. Then in the relay GrandSon2 was the final runner for Tîm Coch (Red Team). He and another boy began to run together but GrandSon2 pulled away. The other boy looked as if he was going to catch up but GrandSon2 finally made it triumphantly past the finish line in first place. He put everything into it, bless him.

Granny might have got a bit carried away screaming and then doing a fist pump in the air.

I was especially delighted for him because he's spent a lot of the last eighteen months or so battling Long Covid.


Ann said...

Congrats to your grandson and granddaughter on winning medals. Good job from your grandson

Boud said...

So cool having a grandma to cheer you on!

Anvilcloud said...

Speed has never run (so to speak) in our family.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

It's wonderful to see loved ones recover and triumph, isn't it!