Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Not again!

I finally decided enough is enough. No, I'm not talking about Husband!

My mouth is still dry/sore and it's wearing me out. Broken sleep plus if I do anything too energetic, like go for a walk, I suffer afterwards. So I decided it would have to be the doctor.

Our surgery has an excellent system where you can send in your message online and a doctor will phone you or email you back, with advice, a prescription, or an appointment for a face to face. So this morning I sent in my message explaining my problem and asking for advice. 

I messaged them again to make sure they had my mobile number and then checked my phone. People, well, Husband and Daughter as they're the only people who phone me, always grumble that I don't answer my phone. I tell them it never rings. 

So I checked it was switched on and had the volume turned up. A moment of pondering and then I checked the settings and what do you know? I had the ring tone turned off. That would explain a lot.

I switched it on and relaxed. I was in Zac's but I could keep my phone close to me at all times.

The morning passed with no phone call. I checked my messages regularly but nothing there either. Huh, they obviously didn't think a sore throat was important enough to hurry.

I came home from Zac's, sat at the computer and found I had a whole load of messages from askmyGP. This didn't look good.

It seems the doctor had tried numerous times on both my mobile and landline numbers and had failed to reach me. "What?! Had I given him the wrong number?"

I checked my phone record and, sure enough, he'd tried three times on my mobile. Well, why the bleep didn't it ring then?

I hastily called the surgery, explained and they said they'd see what they could do. I am waiting now for a phone call - on the landline. I will not leave its side until I hear from them.

Oh and it seems I had my phone on Do Not Disturb mode. I was going to say I didn't even know there was such a mode but something is ringing a tiny bell in my head suggesting I may have made this mistake before.

Yep, August 2021. 


Marie Smith said...

Hope you get some relief soon with the medical issue, Liz.

Boud said...

I hope you sort out the throat and the phone issues, pronto. This sore throat has been going on too long.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those darn phones! I hope you are able to talk to the doctor soon.

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks all. No word yet from the doctor and I'm not moving until it's definitely too late today!

Anvilcloud said...

We just went around the mulberry bush updating credit cards. It was a perplexing process, but I think we overcame.

Re. forget-me-nots coming back. I think you'll have to pull them before they go to seed. I guess that can be tricky as we want to enjoy the blooms for as long as possible.

Alternatively, I guess you can learn to recognize the plants when they take hold in the first year and pull them before they flower in the following year.

Ann said...

I don't get many calls but if I'm expecting one I'll keep the phone right by me. It never fails, the minute I walk away it will ring and I will miss the call.

Kathy G said...

I have a hard enough time remembering to turn the ringer back on; I would definitely have a problem with Do Not Disturb.

Liz Hinds said...

I'm glad I'm not alone!
Anvilcloud, I don't want to get rid of the forget-me-nots. I'm happy to enjoy them for a time.

Cop Car said...

Phones can be perplexing. On my phone, "Do Not Disturb" is labeled, "Focus". Good luck with your throat and your physician.