Monday, January 09, 2023

X fun

Looking for something else on my blog I came across this post from August 2006. 

I was driving to the gym tonight (do you like the way I casually drop that in?) when I spotted a convertible mini with the number plate X30 FUN. As I passed I couldn't resist having a peek at the driver. My first thought was that he looks less like a fun man and more like a depressed walrus. Then I thought, 'No, that's not fair. There might be any number of reasons for the apparent anomaly.'

He might be driving his wife's car and it might be the way she gets her fun that has made him so grumpy.

The number plate might have been a present from his wife and he has failed to spot the irony in the same way that he has failed to notice the divorce papers lying on the hall table.

He might really be the life and soul of the party in a Jack Dee sort of way.

Or he might just be a miserable so'n'so.


Boud said...

I like how your writerly brain instantly produces multiple scenarios! This reads like someone who likes Kate Atkinson..

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I agree with Boud -- you clearly have a writer's mind!

Ann said...

That's awesome that you can come up with so many different scenarios for why he looks grumpy. I would have just thought he was a

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks all.

Ole phat Stu said...

Old 78 age pain makes me grumpy but driving my oldtimer 944 cheers me up.