Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Problems of old age

Visited my oldest - as in longest - she's younger than me - friend this morning as we didn't catch up before Christmas. While there we got on to the subject of dentists (and doctors obviously because we're old) and my friend said she'd recently had a dental check-up.

Now back in about June last year I'd been due for a check-up but just before the time I had a letter from them saying they were no longer doing check-ups. My friend suggested it might just have been temporary while they dealt with the Covid backlog and that if I phoned them I might get an appointment.

I came home resolved to phone the dentist only to be greeted by Husband with the words, "The dentist phoned; you're due for a check-up."

Well, coincidence or what?

Actually we were talking about dentists and check-ups and whether they still did them on the NHS at our pizza party on Sunday. Maybe all the vibes floated through the ether and hit the dentist, making him think, "I need to get that nice Liz Hinds in for a check-up soon."

Also, as we're on the subject of health, in a roundabout sort of way, I sent the doctor some photos of my nail today. When it just had one ridge I thought it might grow out but now it's started growing in waves I thought I should check it out.

What? Did you want to see it?

It's very blurry but you get the picture.

Doctor has prescribed some stuff.  

And yesterday, on my neck, I found a hair long enough to plait.

Oh it's great getting old. But better than the alternative. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your dentist must be psychic! Or he/she has you bugged through a tiny transistor in one of your fillings.

Liz Hinds said...

I wish you hadn't said that, Debra! I know Alexa listens to everything we say. Perhaps they're on a network of shared information.

Kathy G said...

I had one of those neck hairs last week too!

Janie Junebug said...

I want a long neck hair! How come everybody else gets a long neck hair and I don't get one?


Ann said...

A dentist who is no longer doing check ups? That just seems odd. Glad you got a call from them though.

Boud said...

Mixed feelings about a dentist who catches up with your appointments.. Let's hope the checkup is undramatic.

Ole phat Stu said...

Surely checkups generate further business for him?

Liz Hinds said...

Janie, give it time. You'll get your long neck hair eventually.

I assume the dentist had a huge backlog and, apparently, Welsh government guidelines recommended stopping check-ups for the time being. I hope it will get back to normal soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, not the long hair. !!! Keep checking, they appear again. Why do we start getting these hairs?? Not good at all.