Monday, January 09, 2023

Getting better

On my first foray to the gym in November I used 288 calories; today I used 646. Last week it was 620. Pretty good for an old woman! 

I spent an extra long time on the treadmill today as I was watching people on the television talk about Prince Harry's latest interview. Opinion seems pretty fairly divided about the rights and wrongs and sides but you do wonder when he's going to stop seeking publicity and just get on with his life. I haven't watched the Netflix documentary. I intended to then changed my mind. Then changed my mind again but finally couldn't be bothered. That's how interested I am. 

So anyway back to the gym. I even tried some burpees. Two to be precise, as I wobbled when I stood up. But I did some bunny hops which, if I'm correct, is a burpee without standing up. I wouldn't say I'm beginning to enjoy it but I am enjoying the challenge of improving.

But I really need to eat less. CopCar commented on the number of pizzas. What can I say? Six adults, five children, we all like pizza, and we eat a lot. And to Debra, yes, it was a wonderful impromptu pizza party. Having family around the table eating is one of my most favourite things.

Now the to-do list I made last week seems to be getting longer rather than shorter so shower then start. Or have lunch. Whatever.


Janie Junebug said...

I watched the Netflix documentary. I don't think you missed anything by not watching it, but it included some lovely photos of them. They won't stop seeking publicity anytime soon. They need to keep making money to preserve their life style. I think Harry also wants a validation of his feelings and apologies that aren't likely to come.


Ann said...

I wish I could get myself to join a gym or at least exercise at home. I need to do something.
I don't follow the royals so I have no idea what Harry and Meghan have been up to. I do hear people aren't happy about it though.