Thursday, January 26, 2023

Not a winner tonight

Having been to the gym and for a walk, plus doing washing and ironing today I decided to allow myself the luxury of sitting down and reading my book. It's The Winners by Fredrik Backman. I'm nearing the end and I know what's going to happen and I don't want it to happen and it's very stressful. But excellent. Definitely one of my very favourite authors.

I had to stop reading with only pages to go as I needed to prepare dinner but will finish it tonight. Then I'm going to start on From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs Basil E. Frankweiler. Recommended by someone on Twitter. Once again identity of said person escapes me. I think it's a children's book so should be a shorter read. And hopefully not so gut-wrenching.

Also thinking about submitting an idea to a non-fiction Welsh journal/book. Will dither a bit more before I decide.


Our television remote control has stopped working. We've changed the batteries to no effect. We should be able to control the television from buttons on it but Husband can't find them nor do we know where the manual is. 

Television currently talking to itself in the other room. Oh good idea, I could look it up on t'internet. I'll do that now.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Darn TV remote control!

Ann said...

Nothing worse than the remote not working. Years ago you could easily get up and change channels and turn it on or off . Now I don't even know where the power button is on my tv.

Ole Phat Stu said...

I always put a remote in my coat pocket when I go to the pub.
that way I can hange the channels or turn down the volume secretly if I don't like what is on there ;-)

pam nash said...

I also have a tendency to get so involved with books that my entire body is prepared for flight/fight.