Monday, January 02, 2023

Feels like summer

After days of rain and grey skies it was beautiful today, which was handy as I'd arranged to walk with some friends from Zac's.

Kathryn and I had a really good walk and chat before meeting Julie-Anne for coffee that turned into peppermint tea from Kathryn's flask because the café was jam-packed.

If it hadn't been for all the 'ats and coats you'd have thought it was summer from all the people who'd had the same, "Let's have a New Year walk" thought.

And now this is the kind of thing that makes me proud to be British - and I can't say that about much these days.

The council in Scarborough in Yorkshire cancelled a New Year Eve's firework display for fear of upsetting the walrus who'd turned up on the beach. (I wonder if it was the same one who was basking off the Welsh coast in 2021.)


Boud said...

Yes I was pleased about the walrus. Also amazed that it was there at all.

My inner cynic wonders if this was partly after the furious backlash from their recent cruel stupid decision to ruin nesting sites using a sort of glue, against highly endangered kittiwakes.

Janie Junebug said...

I'm glad to see that a walrus was treated with sensitivity. Too bad the same consideration isn't given to people and dogs where I live. I had to medicate Franklin & Penelope and after a big fireworks holiday, I always see notices about dogs who took off running because of the fireworks.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That walrus has some pull!

Liz Hinds said...

I didn't hear about the kittiwakes, boud. Could well have been pr in that case, but good for the walrus.
George was never particularly bothered by fireworks but i know lots of dogs are, Janie. Many supermarkets now sell silent fireworks.
Doesn't he just, Debra?