Monday, January 02, 2023

Big Sky

I've just started reading Big Sky by Kate Atkinson. It's been out a few years so I'm surprised I've not read it before, and when I began it last night I grew more convinced that I'd read it. When I borrowed it from the library I asked them to check  and they said I hadn't borrowed it in the last two years; I looked on my blog for mention of it but nothing there either.

It's possible I've seen it on television. It's a Jackson Brodie story and several have been televised but this wasn't published until 2019, and the only reference I can find to a Big Sky television series is a completely different American one. I shall continue to read it unless it becomes too familiar. It's a puzzle.

I might have borrowed it over two years ago - the library only keeps your borrowing record for that long - and not written about it on my blog. That might be it. The first chapter is awfully familiar.

Well, this was a boring post. If you've read this far, well done. I'm not usually this tedious. (I don't think.)

Incidentally, now I have a book journal in which I list all the books I've read and even the ones I don't finish. Except I often forget to include the ones on kindle. That's a point: I wonder if it's on my tablet. 

Then again maybe I should just keep taking the tablets.


Boud said...

I've never kept track of my reading. And the library system keeps zero footprint of borrowing, security legally enforced after 9.11. Useful also against stalking. But I never knew why Al Qaeda might be interested in my peaceful reading.

I'd be surprised if you really hadn't read that Atkinson. But you can still enjoy it. Again.

Liz Hinds said...

I often think if the Russians hacked into my computer they'd be really bored. And, yes, I will enjoy it again I'm sure, Boud.

sparklingmerlot said...

Isn't that frustrating? It happens too frequently with books (I'll often check the publication date and that sometimes help me decided I haven't read it if it is recent). Lately I am finding the same thing with TV and netflix. I'll settle down to watch something that looks interesting and find after a few minutes that I recognise the characters and know how it ends. I've either seen it before or am psychic!