Tuesday, January 03, 2023

The white van man

Drove to the middle of nowhere/west mid Wales today. The scenery was beautiful or would have been had I been able to see it through the pouring rain.

At one point I was happily following a van wider than Mini, meaning I didn't have to worry about cars coming the other way - not that there were many cars going any which way. Then the van signalled to turn left. "That's strange," I thought. "I wonder why Mrs Satnav isn't telling me to turn." 

I was about to signal and turn right to follow him regardless when I realised: he probably wasn't going to the place I was heading for. It was a close thing though. And inconsiderate of the van driver to leave me that way.

Got there eventually and was able to spend some good time with the little boys I used to help provide support for. 

And the journey back was even worse. It's hard to credit it after yesterday was such a wonderful sunny and even mildly warm day.

Off to Zac's for bible study now. Didn't have time to make cake so will have to stop at the shop to buy some.

I find I keep saying the wrong things to people so am feeling a bit not-good-enough. Must do better. New year new me sort of thing. Not going well so far.


Boud said...

Your description of Wales is exactly my experience. Every time. I expect it's lovely really. All i ever saw, three trips, can't say I did try, was wet fields, and villages with bright purple front doors. Mountains all covered in mist.

Janie Junebug said...

I'm glad you didn't keep on following the van and get lost. That driver should have gone the way you needed to go.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Well, apparently "mercury is in retrograde" right now which means troubles and issues involving communications, if you believe in such things.