Wednesday, January 11, 2023

A whoops-a-daisy sort of morning

I'd be the first to admit that I'm a messy cook but today in Zac's I excelled myself. Everything that could be spilled or dropped I spilled or dropped. One of those days. 

Now I love Husband very much and we are very happy but we are so different. Last night while I was in Zac's Husband watched One Upon a Time in Hollywood. He was telling me about it today, enthusing about all the lovely old cars - it was set in the sixties. "Everyone had smart cars except Brad Pitt. I couldn't work out what he was driving.  It looked like a Karmann Ghia but the rear wheel arches didn't look quite right."

Now if forced I could probably make an educated guess as to where the rear wheel arches might be but that's as far as it goes. A quick google confirms it was indeed a 1964 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia, although in order for it to do what Tarantino the director wanted its engine was replaced with a Subaru engine. It was auctioned in 2020 and sold for $50,000.


Boud said...

Husband sounds like my neighbor who describes herself as a gearhead and for years kept a non working little British antique sports car in the parking lot, which she talked about in loving techie detail. The bit I got was the color, a rare one apparently for that car, citron. she'd know instantly what Pitt was driving!

Liz Hinds said...

It's a curious trait, Boud. Your neighbour can probably identify a car simply by seeing the wing mirror or something too!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I never recognize any make or model of car. To me, they all just look the same. Except for a VW Bug.

Liz Hinds said...

Precisely, Debra. I'm the same.

Ann said...

I don't know what car from another and I certainly would never be able to spot if something was off with it.