Thursday, September 08, 2022

Should one continue?

Have just come back from having a wart on my leg frozen. Fairly painless procedure but it doesn't look pretty now. 

Turned out the doctor was the nephew of one of my best friends in senior school. The surname, Snelling, was a bit of a give-away: there can't be that many in the area. Now all I have to do is remember if he said to put a plaster on it or not.

I also picked up the food from the Diner for Zac's. This week it was sausages in gravy and veg. Result: gravy all over the boot of the car. Previously I'd have brought the piece of floor covering in and let George lick it clean. And he'd have done a better job than I did washing it.

By the way, has anyone read Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf?

One ordered it from the library on a whim because one thought it was the sort of book one should have read - the sort of book that would use one over you or I. I began it last night and I may have been tired but it didn't seem to make an awful lot of sense. Rather a lot of waffle that may or may not prove to be relevant.

Should one continue? I'm on page 23 and she still hasn't bought the flowers she went out to buy on page 1.


Marie Smith said...

Virginia wasn’t one I tolerated well in English 2000. Good luck!

Boud said...

Mrs Dalloway is wonderful, but it's not about the events. It's about much more significant things. Think of impressionist painting or music. They're not about what happens but about what it does to you.

That said, you and Woolf may not have the valence needed to continue.

Anonymous said...

Only read it if you're enjoying it and you don't have to write an essay on it when you've finished either. One of the many advantages of leaving school!

Anna said...

I did exactly the same with this book a month ago -- did I already tell you that?!