Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Granny Day 3

Who thought all owls were nocturnal?

A bit of a special one today. GrandSon3 loves owls so I booked us in for an Owl Experience at the British Bird of Prey Centre, in the National Botanic Garden of Wales.

We got to fly four owls. First of all we took two baby Great Grey owls into the trees, and I promise I hadn't done or said anything to make her so shocked. They haven't been named because they will be going to live in other centres.

Alan, a Barn Owl, rather like Plop, from The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark.

We also flew a Bengal Eagle Owl. He was called Ozzy and was rather lovely, with magnificent plumage.
Can you see him?

We learned that you can tell what time of day an owl will be going out to hunt from the colour of his eyes. The barn owl has black eyes - hunts by night. The Great Grey has yellow - hunts by day. The Eagle Owl has orange - hunts at sunrise or sunset.

Blurry photo of Alan coming in to land on GrandSon3's arm.

It was a lovely very special day.


Boud said...

That sounds wonderful. Lucky grandson!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

How fun! I bet GrandSon3 will be talking about this for a long time to come! And thanks for the info about the relationship between eye colour and hunting time -- I learned something new today!

PipeTobacco said...

The owls are very cool! I am so glad you submitted the proposal! If not this group though, please look for others….. perseverance in this regard will eventually bear fruit I suspect!


pam nash said...

Wow! What a wonderful day!