Thursday, January 20, 2022

Not usually a violent woman but ...

Let me start by saying I don't condone violence and I don't usually think of myself as a violent person. That said ...

If you have children do you remember - or perhaps you recall doing it yourself - telling them off and, if you took a bit long over it, they'd start nodding their heads back and for, and muttering, 'Mum's off on one again.'

Yesterday in the House of Commons the Prime Minister did exactly the say thing when being questioned about parties and Covid suffering. You can watch him here.

In case you can't view that here he is checking his watch while a member of the SNP reminds him that 150,000 Britons have died. And see the smile in the eyes of the woman next to him - Priti Patel I assume.

I don't know how the Honourable Members can resist the urge to punch him in his smug complacent face.

I've only once hit someone in anger. (I can imagine my children's questions now. 'What, Mum? Seriously?!') It was my previous fiancé and I believed he was deliberately encouraging a woman who was flirting with him. I did the whole thing: slapped his face and threw my ring across the floor.

So don't mess with me or, more particularly these days, with my grandchildren. I've done boxing since then.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Appalling, Boris, appalling!

Marie Smith said...

I can’t watch that man. He infuriates me!

pam nash said...

I remember "the face" - the children thinking-Mom's off again and me thinking-I'm talking and I'm the only one listening. Politicians - we have similar problems here. Idiots with "the face" on.

Boud said...

B has joined tfg as a person I can't tolerate looking at or listening to. Couldn't someone at least pie him?