Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Manners maketh man

A married couple comes to exercise on a Wednesday and today I noticed the man held her coat for his wife as she was about to put it on. It reminded me how I hate it when someone does that.

My hairdresser always does it. He gets my coat and holds it out for me. At which point I get stressed. Will I be able to find the armhole easily? Will I struggle and look an idiot? 

Hairdressing appointments are stressful enough as it is with the need to talk to people; I can do without extra pressure.

And Husband thinks I enjoy going there. (Well, I enjoy the quiet reading time when I'm waiting for dye to take but the rest, phooey.)

* * * * * *

Two grandsons have Covid. In one of their classes there are loads of children off. Let's hope and pray the herd immunity thing they keep talking about actually works.

When I was little if someone had chickenpox, for example, other children would be sent around to play with them, to try and catch it. Crazy when you think about it. The poor child with the disease probably didn't feel much like playing, but at least they got some immunity from it. I'm not sure it works that way with Covid.

Then again I had chickenpox as a child and as an adult, when my children had it, and also latterly had a mild bout of shingles. So maybe it's all pot luck.

P.S. I managed four full press-ups this morning. In two bouts that is. 


Boud said...

The thing about that coat holding is that the man has to be skilled at it. Like pushing in your dining chair. I have one friend who totally knows how to slide the sleeves up and onto my shoulders. He's also tall enough to do it. I expect there used to be classes in this among posh people long ago. Like dancing classes for children.

Most men expect you to flail about behind your head to find the sleeves they're holding too high. I must sound very Emily post here. In fact I'm just old and people assume my shoulders don't work too well any more. Nice offer, but, like you, I'd as soon not.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hate it when someone holds my coat for me too. I always just say "No thanks, I prefer to put my coat on myself, it's easier." Then I take the coat from them and do precisely that.

Liz Hinds said...

You're my sort of people.

PipeTobacco said...

Hah! My wife likes when I hold her coat for her….. not that I am good at remembering to do so…. She sometimes coaxes me into action.

I hope the Covid symptoms are mild for your two grandsons!!!!! I hate that here in the US folks have just about given up. I have had 25 or so of my students contract it in the past two weeks….. I try to keep my N95 glued in place at all times.


pam nash said...

My oldest granddaughter just got over covid. She said she felt really bad the first day and after that it was like a heavy cold. Hope your grandsons do well. I don't have any feelings about having my coat held, though growing up in the south - it was the rule to do so. Fine if someone makes the effort to hold it, fine if not.