Thursday, January 20, 2022

Don't be stupid!

Usually when out walking other walkers acknowledge you with a smile or greeting, or sometimes you gets a funny look, as happened today, immediately making me wonder, 'Was I talking to myself? Did they see me practising my kung fu?'

Husband is feeling a bit ropey so I walked George on my own. When Husband is with me I don't hop or skip or gallop much because he doesn't but when it's just George and me ...

Today I was practising ankle kicks. You know, when you jump and stick your legs out to the side and try to clap your ankles together? I can do it to the left but on the right I look like Bambi on ice. I lose all control of my legs. It is very annoying.

In our Wednesday fitness class we do circuits: seven stations, a minute, usually, on each one, and the whole lot repeated twice. One of the stations is simply running up and down the hall. I suppose it's a normal-sized hall, like a basketball pitch maybe. On the first round I can do nine lengths in a minute; the third round I'm done to about eight and a quarter. I think that's quite good although the men are usually faster than me. Even the eighty-one-year-old. (But I'm better than them at other things.)

Yesterday Jim, our trainer, was telling us about a friend who could run towards a wall and without slowing down put one foot up it, spin around, and run back. Of course, ever since then I've been wondering if I could do that. 

I tell myself, 'Don't be stupid! You're sixty-nine and a quarter. Don't even think about it.'

Here's a T Rex foot instead.


Boud said...

Bodies are so different, some people flexible all their lives, or with foot speed or great proprioception others just not. You're right to dismiss stories of what other people can do.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You must have a dream to make it come true.

pam nash said...

Yeah - the "I think I can" part of my brain tells me all the time - You can do that - how hard can it be. The the rational part kicks in and laughs long and loud.