Sunday, January 30, 2022

I could be gone some time

Yesterday, going through the filing cabinet I found a piece of writing I thought I could possibly use, adapt or include in a radio talk. Stupidly then I put it back in the drawer.

This morning I'm looking for it and it's not nowhere to be seen! And I can't find it anywhere on my computer either.

It's one of those 'slap yourself around the head' type moments. 

However it does give me good reason to go through all the bits of paper I have in the filing cabinet. Ideas, stories, articles, thoughts, I've composed over tens of years and various writing courses. Should I? There may be some good stuff in there. There might also be some terrible rubbish. But I was learning so that's okay. As long as I don't take some critiques too much to heart and give up entirely.

Right, I'm going in. I could be gone some time.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Send up a flare if you get lost!

Mauigirl said...

I've done this so many times! I hope you find it!

pam nash said...

I suggest you pack a lunch. I can be difficult to get up and move around when surrounded by many piles of notes!

Boud said...

I wouldn't be surprised if instead you find something at least as good to use. Or several. Pro tip: if you do, DON'T PUT THEM BACK! Heartfelt advice from one who's been there..

Ole Phat Stu said...

Atually Scott wrote that Oates' last words were "I am just going outside and may be some time", assuming that is what you were referring to.