Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Leg Tourettes - or I get the urge

As I typed the title of this post I suddenly wondered if my attempt at a light-hearted post could be misconstrued as offensive. While I have no wish to offend anybody it is hard sometimes to be woke. Is that the correct use of the term?

Anyway I'll take my chance and hope that my regular readers know me well enough to understand that I mean no offence.

And, in fact, that introduction/explanation is going to be longer than the actual post.

Sometimes when I'm walking around the house I have the urge to kick my right leg out to the side ninja style. Naturally I give in to the urge.

Also, similarly, going from bedroom to bathroom I have to do a little balletic leap. (I use balletic here to indicate the sort of leap rather than my precise style, which is more elephantine than prima donna.)

And that's it. Does anyone else get these urges?


Cop Car said...

Of all my urges in life, yours are not among them. Interesting.

Boud said...

I don't know about balletic, but I do dance in the kitchen while food is cooking!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Is this a weird form of Restless Leg Syndrome?

Kathy G said...

No, my legs only decide to get urges in the middle of the night. I WISH they would be civilized and limit their activity to daylight hours.