Thursday, January 06, 2022

George and 'the thingy'

George had an appointment at the vet's today at 8.30 am. I set the alarm for 7.30 and then woke up an hour before it.

So that's my excuse for:
a) my frantic search for my mask - only to discover I was wearing it;
b) my complaint to the vet that my phone wasn't working properly - only to discover I had it set on Do Not Disturb.

Anyway, so George is fine (quite good for his age, the vet said) but he has a little warty thing inside his eyelid. I only noticed it by chance and as it looked horrid I took him along. Owners have to wait outside while their pets are seen and George was not at all happy with this but I told the vet, 'Give him treats. He'll do anything for a treat.'

Sure enough, when the vet came out she said, 'He was lovely. He was happy to sit with litmus paper in both eyes as long as he could have treats.'

He could have an operation to remove the thing if we want to check that it's harmless, but at his age anaesthetic is a bit risky. She's given him antibiotics to bring down the slight inflammation and some drops that he will need to have applied three or four times a day for the rest of his life, to ensure his eyes are well-watered. The only concern is the location of the wart and that it could cause ulceration on his eye. We'll have to keep an eye on that! (Ha ha.)

Which reminds me: he's due for a drop now. George says that's fine as long as it's accompanied by a treat.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

George deserves many, many treats.

PipeTobacco said...

That is similar to what my dog just had surgery on. I am glad George is ok!!!!!
