Sunday, October 31, 2021

Turning back time annual post

I get the 'spring forward, fall back' thing. I can visualise the clock going back in the middle of the night. That's fine.

It's the first few waking hours of the Sunday that confuse me. Wondering which clocks in the house are right. Wondering if the computer and Alexa reset themselves automatically.

Husband doesn't help when he says stuff like, 'It's 11 o'clock in real time,' meaning old time. Making me go through the visualisation process again.

Another factor to add in is that the oven clock has been an hour slow for six months. And the microwave has been ten minutes fast. Making timing anything in the kitchen a mathematical nightmare.

I used to keep my bedroom clock fifteen minutes fast so that when I woke up I knew it wasn't really that time and could go back to snooze for a bit. But now I have an Echo who doesn't stand for any of that nonsense.

Not that time matters. Not on a Sunday. But even though I am a notoriously bad time-keeper it seems important to have some idea of the time of day. I already struggle most days to work out which day of the week it is; and people sort of expect you to be places at times. If everyone just organised their days to fit in with me when I happen to turn up it would be different. But I'm not the Queen, though I think I am sometimes. Then again she is probably awfully punctual. She has that sort of look about her.

And she wears more clothes than Cher.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I bet the Queen's secret desire is to cut loose and be Cher.

Marie Smith said...

The Wueen has withdrawn from public events. Hope she’s okay. I admire her dedication to service.

Boud said...

I used to leave my old car wrong six months of the year. Too many buttons to push to change it.i think the current one will fo it for me.
We don't change clocks till next week though.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Queen Elizabeth has reached the stage of her life when existing another day is not even expected, let alone a given. She has represented her peoples well and worked tirelessly for them.

Using radio-controlled clocks that hack to the U.S. Naval Observatory clock, confusion over what time it is has become a thing of the past in our household. I hack my watch to the radio-controlled clock in my bed's headboard, then set all other clocks (except the likewise radio-controlled ones) to match my watch. Other than that, I am blessed with a keen sense of time - excepting when I am on a computer. When I wake during the night, I can generally feel what time it is within 15 minutes of that indicated by the aforementioned bed headboard clock.

Cop Car said...

Oops! That was from me, Cop Car. Sorry.

Kathy G said...

In the US we go through the same thing next weekend. Not looking forward to it.

Polly said...

ha, ha, that was me this morning, I couldn't remember if time had gone forward or backward!!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What time is it now where you are?

God bless.

LL Cool Joe said...

Yes I found this Sunday that most of the morning was spent changing all the clocks in the house to an hour earlier. Now I need to start on all my watches.

When I'm in our house in AZ the clocks never change, which is weird to me. One less job to do I suppose.

pam nash said...

We don't fall back until this coming weekend. It's a pain in the patootie too as I have several clocks that don't handle backwards. I have to remember to stop them all before I go to bed.
I also like to know the time. And the day of the week it is. Oh, and the number of the day too.