Friday, October 29, 2021

Fly a kite around a pole!

To facilitate my plan of writing fiction every day in November I have completed and sent off my article for The Bay magazine December issue. I am so ahead of myself I could quite easily trip over.

November's edition has just come out and you can read my contribution on following a dream here. Be warned: it contains a number of song references so you may well find yourself with an ... not an earwig, what's it called - anyway, you'll find yourself singing along.

Speaking of songs, Elaine, our Monday fitness teacher, has changed some of the music she uses. Previously there was one exercise, where we sat on a chair and had to alternate legs out to the side. The music that was played was Big Spender, and I couldn't help grinning to myself as I felt like a pole dancer.

Elaine's changed it now to Let's go fly a kite. It's not the same.


Marie Smith said...

Music sure can create a mood! You need to try Big Spender at home.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh dear. I wonder if some prude objected to "Big Spender"? Personally, I would object to Julie Andrews.

Kathy G said...

Good teachers change the music on a regular basis to keep the class feeling fresh. I would second Marie Smith's suggestion to play Big Spender at your place.

pam nash said...

I did sing along with the two here!