Thursday, August 12, 2021

Confused? Me?

At the end of exercise class yesterday one of the men came and spoke to me about my article. I stared at him blankly for a moment as I tried to work out what exactly he was referring to.

It should be simple: I only write one article a month for The Bay. But ... the magazine came out on 1st August and the deadline for articles for it was 15th July. Since then I have written and submitted another article. I've also written and recorded weekly episodes for my radio show, and since a lot of what I've been writing about has been on similar themes, I have no idea what's in any given piece.

Anyway, here's the link to my latest podcast: It's good to talk.

And here are some hydrangea in bud. I love the way they open from the outside like a little coronet of flowers.

I believe the colour of the flowers depends on the alkalinity or acidity of the soil. You'd think all the soil in one smallish area would be the same but I guess not.

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